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ASD-55 Smoke Detector

Product Outline
ASD-55 is a smoke sensor with AI algorithm. Previous smoke sensors sometimes malfunction in dust and mist moisture. However, ASD-55 is the world's first dual optical sensor to dramatically improve sensor performance.
Pruduct Characteristics
Low Concentrated Smoke Detection
Designed to assist the safety features of industrial automation equipment, it is suitable for a whit of smoke detection.
Digital Process
Various artificial intelligence are provided by processors to optimally configure detection and alarm functions and to maximize detection effects.
Dual Optical Smoke Sensor
If the surrounding air contains a constant concentration of smoke, optical smoke sensors that utilize changes in the photoelectricity encountered by the smoke are very sensitive and can detect even low concentrations of smoke quickly. It also has built-in capabilities to avoid ambient noise and malfunction alarms.
ASD-55 Specification
Detection Priciple Dual Optical Smoke Sensor
Detection Method Non Verification Type
Response Time within 3 sec
Output Relay A(DC30V 1A), Relay B, RS485 MODBUS
Input DC 22~26V
Currency Consumption 24V 60mA(MAX)
Housing ABS
Operation temp. and moisture -35~80¡É, 0~95% RH (Non-Condensing)
Process Al Algorithm